The ABCs of Anxiety

How Do We Experience Anxiety?

We experience anxiety in three main ways: physically, mentally, & behaviourally.

Physically — what we feel in our body.

Breathing rapidly (hyperventilation)

Rapid heart rate

Shortness of breath

Discomfort in the stomach



Numbness or tingling


Chest pain or discomfort

Dizzy or lightheaded

Feelings of a lump in the throat

Feeling restless, or tense

Mentally—what goes through your mind, like worry and thoughts that frighten you about the current situation or some future event.

WORRY - concerned with the possibility of threat in the future. What if statements such as: "What if I make the wrong decision?"

RUMINATION - repetitive passive negative thinking about the past or present, for example, going over what went wrong. Centered around loss, hopelessness and failure. What, why and how statements such as: "What was I thinking."

Behaviourally—what you do when you feel anxious, avoid or seek-reassurance.

AVOID - in case of a real threat, avoidance is beneficial. However, where there is no real danger, avoidance prevents us from learning to cope with a challenging situation.

SEEK REASSURANCE - seeking information to asses risk is normal. However, repeatedly seeking reassurance may be anxiety-driven.

SAFETY BEHAVIOURS - things we do to make ourselves feel less anxious.

Anxiety infographic explaining how we experience anxiety.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this post is for general informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for independent or professional advice tailored to your specific needs.


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