Simple Ways Parents Can Manage Stress

When parenting, you're required to generate a high volume of quality output. One source of energy that helps create this high volume of output is the emotional fulfilment we get from being a mother. This very energy source allowed me to function on less than six hours of sleep and return to my PhD program just ten days after my daughter was born. The ultimate juggling act!

Despite the challenges placed on us by the emotional demands of child-rearing, we power through. Yet, other times, we are overwhelmed, under pressure, and lacking resources. In this post, I will discuss simple ways parents can manage stress.Five Simple Ways Parents Can Manage Stress

Take time to rest. Maybe you're like me, and when the baby sleeps, you use every single minute to catch up on your to-do list! This may indeed be the only time to get any work done; however, do what you can and leave the rest. You owe it to yourself to at least try. Find time for the things you love and need, whether it's watching an episode of Friends or reading a good book!

Develop self-awareness. Self-awareness is an essential component of Mindful Parenting. It's a skill that you can slowly develop by noticing your thoughts, feelings and behaviours throughout the day. Most importantly, self-awareness allows you to notice your stress level rising.

Express gratitude. Experiencing gratitude is a simple and effective way to manage stress every day. In short, I hope to convince you to notice something that you're grateful for and do it over time.

Practice self-compassion. Self-compassion is a construct developed by Dr. Kristin Neff from the University of Texas. Kristin defines self-compassion as the practice of quieting the inner critic and giving ourselves the same kindness we would offer to a friend. Through self-compassion, we can acknowledge and validate how we feel.

Reach out for support. Lastly, seeking social help and fostering relationships is important for encouraging positive mental states and stress relief.

Note: information in this post is intended for informational purposes only.


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What is Mindful Parenting?